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A few things clients
normally ask me:

What is your concentration?
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I'm a UX & Visual Designer with 5 years of experience in designing new website functionalities, prototyping product apps interface, and conducting primary & secondary research. Also, I specialize in these areas such as design accessibility, and inclusive design.

What is your location & timezone?
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Currently, I'm located in Atlanta, GA (GMT-4).

How often can we communicate?
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As of now, I'm working as a full-time Digital Production Artist at Epsilon so every day after 5:00 PM would perfectly work for me (not including Sunday).

What is your  hourly rate?
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1. UX Design (General) - $60 per hour
2. Wireframing - $40 per hour
3. User Research - $40 per hour
4. Storyboards/Personas - $40 per hour

Let me know if you want to talk about a potential collaboration. I’m available
for freelance work.

Let’s design your app
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